AIRBarre Has Arrived!!

We have some VERY exciting news to share with you! We’re adding AIRBarre onto our schedule! It’s the newest class to come out of the AntiGravity® Lab and we’re beyond thrilled to start offering it!


Discount December Monday December 8th at 7:30pm

And Saturday’s at 12:30pm starting on December 13th.

AIRBarre is a fusion of dance, barre, pilates, yoga and the aerial arts. Since it’s AntiGravity® of course there will be inversions. You’ll feel like you’re at the ballet bar at times getting an amazing toning workout for your legs, butt, thighs, core and arms! It’s an all in one class. Please make sure to check it out and sign up now!

See you at the “barre” a.k.a. the Harrison Hammock!

Flying Children at Soul Flyte!

Do you have a child between the ages of 11-15? Know someone who does? Have they been dreaming of being able to fly?!!? Well this is the time to make it happen! We’re hosting 3 FREE demo classes THIS coming Sunday 12/7. All classes are 30 minutes long and offer a taste of what we’ll be doing in weekly classes together. The times are:




Please email Shira to signup: Can’t wait to fly with your child soon! Help spread the word by sharing this post with everyone you know!

Thanks and see you soon in the hammock.

Shira & The Soul Flyte Team

Discount December Monday’s

Just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean your workouts should dwindle! In fact, you should be upping them due to all the parties, drinking and desserts that we’ll all be indulging in - you know you’re guilty of it! We know the banter in your head… this little cookie won’t hurt... maybe not, but if you say that everyday, that’s when the problem starts! We’re here to help at Soul Flyte! Keep your workouts in check by coming to any class on Monday’s for $10!! It’s our way to help you keep yourself fit over the holidays.

We know you’ll thank us! Sign up now between December 1st-29th and it’s $10.

**If you’ve purchased a class package then this doesn’t apply - but you can always purchase a $10 class separately from your package. See you soon!

Student Spotlight: Michele


Our student spotlight of the month this month is Michele Rodriguez. She started flying with us in September and hasn't stopped since! Seems like she's got the Soul Flyte bug and is officially hooked! Read our interview with her below:

How did you find out about Soul Flyte?

I found out about Soul Flyte through a flyer that was posted on the bulletin board at the kickboxing studio I go to.  I checked out Soul Flyte's website and waited for the grand opening. Took my first class and I've been hooked ever since :)

What’s something you can't live without?

I can't live without reading a Paulo Coelho novel.

What brought you to try your first class at SF? 

Being in a 200HR teacher training program, I told myself I'd try every type of yoga class accessible to me, not to mention how beautiful it looks as well.

What’s your favorite time of day? 

My favorite time of the day is definitely the early morning.  I have all the energy then. 

Do you have a favorite pose at SF? 

It's a toss up between chandelier and dew drop.

What’s the best meal you've eaten? 

Any traditional Filipino food my mom makes!!

Favorite thing about coming to Soul Flyte?

How incredibly welcoming, supportive and empowering the instructors and fellow Soul Flyte flyers are!

Would you recommend it to others? 


Favorite/best place you've traveled to: 

That's definitely a tough one.  It's another toss up between Costa Rica and Ireland.  

What's your favorite book? Movie?

My favorite book changes depending on  where I am at in my life.  It tends to go back and forth between The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. 

My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley.  Who can resist Mr. Darcy?!? 

What's the craziest thing you've ever done? 

I've been told that the craziest thing I've ever done is get my motorcycle license!

Anything else you want to share?

Yes, I wanted to thank Shira for opening up her beautiful studio for everyone to enjoy and share in.  

Community is Key!

Since opening Soul Flyte – the most important thing I’ve learned so far is how important community is. Not only the supportive community of our students, but also as instructors. Once per month we hold staff meetings where we problem solve, talk about any issues that have come up, support each other and most importantly we play on the hammocks so we can learn from one other. I can’t explain how helpful it’s been to create a community with our instructors right off the bat. We are completely there for one another, not jealous, not spiteful, we just want each other to thrive. I am honored to be a part of this teaching community at Soul Flyte and can’t wait for a couple more teachers to join us soon! Community is the biggest and best part about a yoga studio. If there’s no community, there’s no studio. I thank each and every one of you who have stepped through our doors, supported us on social media, written us reviews and wished us well. Thanks to Emyli, Ruth and Jenevieve for making this such a special place. I am honored and grateful to be on your team. See you all soon! Love, Shira

Student Spotlight: Isa

This month we’re spotlighting Isa Wooster who has built an incredible amount of strength in the 6 weeks that she’s been coming to Soul Flyte. Read her interview with us below:

How did you find out about Soul Flyte?

I found a flyer at one of my favorite spots in Nyack - Sweet Pea's. I had just completed a 21-day yoga challenge, and one of the things that came up was my desire to do aerial yoga and eventually graduate to silks. I had been talking about it for almost ten years already! When I saw the flyer I knew it was finally time to cross something else off that bucket list!

What’s something you can't live without? 

YOGA! And the ocean. And music. And dancing. Let's not ignore coffee and red wine here, they deserve a mention. 

What brought you to try your first class at SF?

First class free? Who could resist that offer?!? I wasn't even half way through the class when I decided to purchase a monthly membership.

What’s your favorite time of day? 

Depends on where I am and what I am doing. On the Pacific side of things I live for sunset. When I am at the beach with my family on the Atlantic side, it is sunrise. Sometimes I like to wake up super early, when it is still dark and everyone else is sleeping. Watch the world come alive...

Do you have a favorite pose at SF? 

Twisted Sister was super fun! But I must say I am hooked on Vetruvian (sp?) Man into Dew Drop and also Chaps into that crazy flip down move. I also love Yoda and Bell. Poses that are so much more difficult when on the ground suddenly become available when you remove that hard surface, that wall of resistance.

What’s the best meal you've eaten? 

When I was in Nicaragua I got to visit the island of Ometepe. A tiny island with two volcanoes. My friend and I stayed at this awesome hostel, The Lazy Crab, and met a local ex-pat who sent us to this restaurant under strict instructions - only dine there if the husband is cooking. We were starving and when we arrived the wife was there. Too hungry to go anywhere else, we decided to try it anyway. Within ten minutes of us ordering, the husband showed up. Peter Luger's has NOTHING on the delicious steak we ate that night. I cleared my plate and my friend had the audacity to leave three bites on I ate that too!

Favorite thing about coming to Soul Flyte?

Everything. It changes my day everyday.

Would you recommend it to others? 

I would require it of others if I could.

Favorite/best place you've traveled to: 

Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Can't pick between the two, they both hold magic for me.

What's your favorite book? Movie?

House of The Spirits by Isabella Allende. The Princess Bride. (I am now reading the book and loving it!)

What's the craziest thing you've ever done? 

Cancelled my return ticket from Costa Rica this past winter. Despite the sh*t storm of backlash it caused, it was the craziest and best thing I ever did for myself. Going on the trapeze is also pretty high up on that list.

Anything else you want to share?

I spent most of my life living in fear. Fear that had been instilled in me, and my own fears I developed. When I finally started facing these fears I amazed myself at what I could accomplish. Fear is the most poisonous venom, the heaviest thing you can ever carry. PUT IT DOWN! And watch yourself fly...

Student Spotlight: Ashley


This month we’re doing a spotlight on one of our regulars at Soul Flyte, Ashley. She has been to the studio a bunch of times and we thought she’d be a perfect fit to answer some of our questions. See her short interview below. If you’d like to be in the spotlight at Soul Flyte – firstly come to class and secondly let us know you want to be featured!

How did you find out about Soul Flyte? I found out about Soul Flyte through Instagram believe it or not just searching yoga poses!

What’s something you can't live without? The ability to capture memories - I love anything that will take a good picture (& family and friends, of course!)

What brought you to try your first class at SF? After seeing the first picture and then exploring your Instagram and website, I just knew it was something I wanted to try. It looked like a blast!

What’s your favorite time of day? I'm a morning person, for sure; but sunsets never cease to amaze me!

Do you have a favorite pose at SF? I love all inversions - anything where I can hang upside down makes me happy! Spider-Man, Dew drop, etc.

What’s the best meal you've eaten? Grilled chicken with balsamic glaze, pureed cauliflower & asparagus… Yum! 

Favorite thing about coming to Soul Flyte? The atmosphere is great and it gets me out of my mind and allows me to focus on the present and myself for an hour or so.

Would you recommend it to others? YES, yes and YES!!!

Favorite/best place you've traveled to: That's a toss up between Italy and Costa Rica; both places are amazing in their own ways! <3

Anything else you want to share? Both teachers at SF are absolute sweethearts and the studio is cozy and welcoming!

First Time At Soul Flyte? AWESOME!

Lately we’ve gotten some inquiries about beginner classes at Soul Flyte. Our response is always the same: since we are a brand new studio, and this yoga/fitness technique is quite new, mostly everyone stepping through our door is a beginner! So, with that being said, all of our classes are suitable for first timers! YAY! If you’re looking for something with a bit of a slower pace, then try our restorative classes on Monday and Friday nights at 5:45pm. We are always happy to help with any questions that you might have – but we thought we’d address this question since it’s been coming up a lot lately. Hope this helps and we look forward to flying with you soon. Don’t forget, if you refer a friend to us make sure to tell us since we’ll offer you a class for free as a thank you.


Meet Emyli - Our Rockin' Soul Flyte Instructor

Emyli - AGY Instructor

Meet Emyli Ziangos - the newest addition to the Soul Flyte team! We're so excited to add her to our schedule of classes. She's a rockin' teacher, so don't miss the opportunity to take her class - sign up NOW! Here's an interview telling you a little bit more about her. See you at the studio!

How did you get into AG yoga and fitness:

I fell in love with AG yoga and fitness after the first class! I love the way it fuses the aerial arts, yoga and fitness giving it all a new twist!  It allows me to make an even deeper mind-body connection and I realize now that I can do more with my flexibility and strength than I ever thought possible!

What’s your background?

I have about a decade of experience in aerial movement through Pole Fitness. It was a natural transition to go from a static vertical bar to a free flowing silk hammock. In my past life I was in corporate America, but couldn't be happier now, teaching this incredible movement!

 Why AntiGravity®?

It gives new meaning to the phrase "being present". Being enveloped in the hammock, allows one to re-connect to the body and the present moment. I love the support that the hammock gives to my spine while inverted and how it allows me to find my center. Plus, you're able to defy gravity, what's better than that?!

There are other forms of aerial yoga out there, Why did you choose AntiGravity®?

Going through several levels of training myself, I know AntiGravity® is the real deal! They have spent many years perfecting this fitness technique and have intense teacher training programs to insure that all of their teachers are skilled to help each of you fly safely, have fun and get fit!!

 Any comments to your future students?

The best part of AntiGravity® is that it's for every body, shape, size and fitness level! You will be inspired by those around you as there is no judgement or competition in AntiGravity® Yoga and Fitness. Once you've had your first "flyte", you will be "head over heels"! See for yourself and come fly with us at Soul Flyte!

Sign up by clicking HERE

Hello Rockland!

We’re Soul Flyte: Nyack’s first boutique AntiGravity® yoga and fitness studio and we couldn’t be happier to spread the incredible health benefits with Rockland County. We have 5 hammocks and are currently offering 2 classes per day and 1 on Sunday’s. Your feedback is SO important to us. If you like our class times, don’t like the class times, would like to see more classes or different times, then please reach out! We’re here to serve you. Below is an interview with founder of Soul Flyte, Shira Turkl-Rubin.
How did you get into AG yoga and fitness:
To be honest, my mom showed me the way! Don’t tell her I told you – but she’s in her 60’s and she’s flipping, swinging, hanging, laughing and having fun. So naturally I followed in her footsteps! She did the AG teacher training so you’ll definitely see her around the studio. Her name is Ruth and she’s a rockstar.
What’s your background?
I’ve taught traditional yoga for 5 years and it’s been extremely helpful with my belly issues, stress and anxiety. I have ulcerative colitis and have found that yoga, meditation, breath work and flipping upside down are essential to helping my body heal. I’m not on any medication, I’ve completely changed my diet and am feelin’ great! Of course I have my moments and yes, flares still occur, but right now in this very moment, I feel great. I write a personal blog: and I also wrote an e-book called The Fix Your Belly Blues Program that you can learn more about here.
Why AntiGravity®?
I needed a way to flip upside down without putting pressure on my neck and spine. My chiropractor/kinesologist kept yelling at me that my neck would never get better if I kept practicing headstand. I found an alternative and now my neck is happy, my spine is long and my body gets to flip safely.
There are other forms of aerial yoga out there, Why did you choose AntiGravity®?
Because AntiGravity® is the best! They’ve done countless hours of research on every single pose, put the time in to train their teachers safely and properly for hours on end. AntiGravity® knows the benefits, risks and dangers of this technique inside and out - I trust it and so should you!
Any comments to your future students?
Yes! AntiGravity® is for every body, shape, size and any fitness level. If you relax your mind and let the hammock hold you, you’ll be flying in no time. Come to Soul Flyte with an open mind and be ready for something new – you’ll love it. I also want to mention that we offer private and semi-private AG classes as well as private and semi-private traditional classes. All you have to do is reach out at: and we’ll be happy to set you up. Can’t wait to fly with you!